

                                                                  Breakfast on a plate!  So another day has begun. You are in a hurry to get to work. A nice, strong cup of coffee and something to eat is on your mind. Quick breakfast! Bagels, donuts and muffins can be seen in the coffee shops, convenience stores like the 7 eleven, restaurants and more. They are some of our favorite breakfast  foods. Question : What are bagels? They are a type of bread which is very popular in many countries. Bagels are put in boiling water for a few minutes, prior to being baked.They are the only type of bread that is prepared this way. Lox and bagels are a known favorite among many. Salmon fillets  which may be smoked, on a bagel topped with cream cheese. Red onions, cucumber and capers are added for additional flavor. Question: What are donuts? Donuts are a very popular food. They are circular in shape and have a large hole in the middle. They are fried and then flavored with chocolate, cinnamon ici


  Mushrooms picking Mushrooms as part of our meal Mushrooms are frequently eaten by many people. They are eaten raw or cooked.         They come in different shapes and sizes. Mushrooms are frequently used in omelettes,             salads, pastas and more. It is however important to know which mushrooms are suitable                   for eating and which ones are poisonous .                                                                                             What exactly are mushrooms? Mushrooms belong to a group of foods called fungi. Yeast is also part of this group. Typically mushrooms are known to grow in dark and damp conditions. They are also known to have wonderful nutritional value.  s


FISHING Fishing may be done as a pastime or as a job. Fish may be caught offshore  or deep sea. What about seafood? Seafood is a favorite of many, particularly people who live close to the sea. Crabs, lobster, tuna, sardines, fish such as red snapper and cod all make their  way to the table in different forms. Dried and salted cod ( bacalao) is a favorite in many countries. Cod liver oil has special nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids. Seafood in general, has great nutritional value.Vitamin A, iodine, protein, selenium, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids are some of the nutrients found in seafood. The nutrients found in seafood are excellent for the eyes, brain and immune system.  


                                                      Sugar cane and its origin Sugar is used as a sweetener and gives energy. It makes   its way to the table in many forms.  At  breakfast,  it is use in cereals , breads, pastries, tea, coffee and more. Lunch / dinner comes around, it is used in desserts like ice cream, cakes and pies.Teas and  coffee  are also sweetened. Question : Where does sugar come from? Answer : Sugar starts off in the field in the form of a sugar cane plant. It is a wonderful and nutritionally sound food.  It is rich in vitamins and minerals.The sugar cane plant grows in tropical countries like the Caribbean islands, Philippines, Brazil, Mexico, India and more. Molasses which is a byproduct of sugar cane is known to have  medicinal value. It is known to be a good source of iron.  On Instagram Sugar is used at the table.


What are herbs and spices? Herbs and spices are widely used around the globe. They are used as a way to enhance the taste of food, as a preservative or for medicinal purposes. Spices  such as saffron, which is derived  from the flower of the Crocus sativus, adds aroma and color to foods such as rice.  Special medicinal value            It is suggested that cinnamon lowers blood sugar , as well            as blood pressure. Ginger is known to help in digestion. It is also known to have antioxidant properties. Spices such as fennel, chili, whole or black   pepper may be used in salamis, cheeses and sausages. Spices are used to enhance the taste of food like salamis and sausages.  


  Hi friends, I enjoy cooking for myself and others. Cooking and  good eating is wonderful. However, there is another side to eating and trying out recipes. Not all recipes are healthy. Sometimes eating the wrong foods, can do more harm than good. It also helps to exercise on a regular basis.


  Regardless of where we live and how we go about our day, eating and nutritional needs are a necessity. CAMPING There are many people who like to go camping and do outdoor cooking as a form of relaxation and enjoyment.  Preparation for this type of meal, will be different from home cooked meals at the dinner table. But choices can still be healthy!